The Top radiator hose carries coolant from the top of the radiator to the top of the engine.
However, because of the coolant heat, the top radiator hose may solidify when it cools off and becomes more susceptible to breakage.
When the top radiator hose is hard to squeeze and overheating, it may be sign of other underlying issues.
This blog post will examine the causes of hard top radiator hose when squeezed, how to tell if the hose is bad and provide answers to some of the most asked questions relating to top radiator hose.

Top Radiator Hose Is Hard To Squeeze (Why)
Over time, the top radiator hose may feel hard to squeeze, stiff and rigid. It may often soften, especially when hot coolants have just passed through it and later solidify.
A hard upper radiator hose with a crunchy feeling is never a good sign. It signals that the hose needs to be replaced urgently to avoid coolant leakage in the engine.
Many factors could cause the upper radiator hose to be hard when squeezed, including the following.
1. Age of the hose
There is a build-up of pressure in radiator hose, which it has to handle every time you drive your vehicle. Over time, the build-up of heat and other forms of pressure will deteriorate the hose causing it to become weaker.
The age of the hose contributes to how effective it will be. It shows how long it has been handling the coolant’s pressure and heat. Once the hose is old, it becomes harder when cool, and this is when it needs replacement before the radiator hose collapses or blows.
2. Damaged thermostat
A water line goes from the radiator to the engine, where the thermostat is located. When the thermostat does not function or stops working entirely, it affects the condition of the hose. It shows that your vehicle has been running on a closed-position thermostat for a while, which stops the coolant from flowing.
3. Excessive heat
Another reason the upper radiator coolant hose is too hard could be that it handles excessive heat. When hot coolant comes from the engine, you are left with a soft radiator hose.
The hotter the coolant, the softer the hose gets and the harder it becomes when it cools down.
4. Overheated engine
The temperature of coolants depends on the condition and temperature of the engine. When the engine’s heat passes a particular temperature, the fluid is released into the engine.
The coolant then collects the heat in the engine. As long as the engine keeps getting hot, the coolant circulates.
In the case of an overheated engine, you can also expect the coolant to be extremely hot. This coolant passes through the top radiator hose.
How to Tell If a Radiator Hose Is Bad
A major way you could tell if your hose is bad is by physically inspecting the hose for visible damage. A damaged radiator hose comes with the following signs.
1. Leaking coolants that could be found on the floor.
2. The engine frequently overheats due to the leaking coolants from a blown or damaged hose.
3. Increased consumption of coolants
4. Triggered temperature warning lights
There are two types of damage to the top radiator hose. It could either burst or collapse, depending on the extent of the heat.
Observe the pipe for any obvious damage, like an opening leak. You could also observe to see if the pipe has collapsed. If you cannot see any obvious damage, touch and squeeze with your hand.
While cold and not running, a soft or swollen radiator hose indicates an internal fluid leak or transmission fluid. We recommend changing the hose.
If the radiator hose is hard to cuddle, it could also fail due to old age. It should also be replaced before further damage and leaks destroy other engine components.
How Hard Should Top Radiator Hose Be?
When you squeeze the radiator hose, it should feel firm, stiff, and flexible. It should never be too hard and difficult to squeeze.
It should be hard enough to keep the hose in place and rigid. However, when it feels too hard, crunchy or comes with a spongy feeling, you have a poor radiator hose.
Too much pressure in radiator hoses and heat could cause the hose to get hard. Also, a hard hose could signify that it has been used too long and is time for a replacement.
How Do You Fix A Stiff Hose?
There is only one way to fix a radiator hose: by replacing the hose entirely. Any other further repair done to reduce the stiffness will only damage it.
To replace the hose, you need a well-detailed guide that is easy to follow. Below is a step-by-step guide to follow to replace your stiff hose.
1. The first thing you have to do is recognize the affected hose. Since you are replacing the stiff hose, you can do this by just squeezing on the hose.
2. Drain the engine coolant by locating the petcock, unscrew and drain in a pan.
3. Loosen the clamps you can find on the affected hose.
4. Grab the hose and start applying a little force to detach it from the end
5. Carefully remove the hose from the stub-out on the radiator and engine. If you cannot get the hose out easily, you can use a tool, like a carpet knife, to slice the hose for easier removal.
6. Slide in the new hose and push in firmly over the stub-out from the side of the radiator and then the engine.
7. Slide the clamps down within the available extent and tighten them when necessary.
8. Proceed to close the petcock and refill the radiator with coolant.
9. Put the cap on the radiator and close it firmly. Proceed to fill the reservoir to a cold level.
10. Start the engine, allow it to operate, and check for any related warning signs.
11. Finally, check for leaks.
If you have no pressure in radiator hose or the top radiator hose is hard to squeeze, this could also cause the hose to get hard over time. You must have your vehicle checked regularly for any damage to the radiator and thermostat that can affect the condition of the hose and cause it to harden.